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About us

LLC "ZAO AMT" was founded 1992 in Saint-Peterburg (Russia) by the professionals in the field of automation of the oil and gas thechnologies.

Our prifile:

  • Hardware and software for monitoring and control systems of the oil and gas well drilling and mud logging;
  • Simulators for learning of the oil and gas upstream;
  • Software for remote monitoring drilling a well in real-time .


  • Mud logging service;
  • Mud Logging professionals learning.

"ZAO AMT" is a member of Association of Drilling Contractors, International Associacion for science, technology and business cooperation in geophisical operations in wells and etc.

Ассоциация буровых подрядчиков Ассоциация по геофизическим исследованиям и работам в скважинах (АИС) Союз поддержки и развития отечественных сервисных компаний нефтегазового комплекса (Союзнефтегазсервис)

monitoring I simulators I equipment I training


Mar 28 2016

JSC AMT reorganazed into LLC "ZAO AMT"

December 24 2012

20-th JSC AMT anniversary

December 11 2012

JSV Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller having a look at drilling simulator AMT-231. Photo from web-site YSIA .