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LLC "ZAO AMT" delivers qualification trainings in the following expert fields:

  • Operators of geotechnical drilling monitoring and well logging stations (mud-logging stations)
  • Operators of computer-based stations of drilling parameters monitoring (DPM stations in what follows)
  • Operators of the computer-based gas logging stations (complexes) Instrumentation services experts in the areas of data interpretation and station data preprocessing (working with data archives, databases, data refinement software etc.)

The operators training program includes theoretical schooling (basic and applied subjects) and practical classes with actual-use equipment on both hardware and software simulation of the drill rig equipment and stations operation and software visualization of wellbore processes on the base of drilling rig simulators (training equipment), designed by LLC "ZAO AMT".

Theoretical courses on basic subjects include:

  • Methods and processes for vertical, directional and horizontal drilling of oil and gas wellbores
  • Oil-Field Geology
  • Oil-Field Geophysics
  • Geotechnical Surveying while Drilling.

Theoretical courses on applied subjects include:

  • Stations (complexes) hardware engineering
  • Stations (complexes) software management
  • Methodological support for stations (complexes)
  • Accumulated data processing software management.

Practical classes include:

  • Installation, commissioning, servicing, maintenance and troubleshooting of technical support equipment for the stations
  • Installation of system and applied software, software recovery and operation: client and server software, file systems, databases, applied software of the station, generation of geotechnical reports
  • Practical application of acquired knowledge in methodological support (algorithms and problem solving for specific engineering and geological jobs).

The trainees are interviewed (tested) on admission, and a required scope of classes is determined depending on their initial qualification.

Courses duration is 14 - 21 days, depending on the trainees' initial qualification, however at least 80šhours in total is a requirement.

Minimum requirements for trainees - secondary technical training background.

Basic classes (well drilling, geology, geophysics) are only taught within the scope, needed for station operator functions.

Lecture notes (handouts) can be delivered as Operator's tutorial. Where required, working experts from industrial companies can be invited for lectures and practical classes (drilling engineers, geophysicists, geologists, electronic engineers).

The training courses (classes) aim at providing a trainee (with whatever background in engineering, geology, electronics, even programming) with satisfactory knowledge in allied subjects, which gives a basics for performing operator's functions at complexes and working with instrumentation equipment.

If necessary, a psychologist's professional advice will be given on potential psychological compatibility issues for operator teams, which can be an important problem taking into account operator schedules and working conditions and affecting both performance and health (optional service).

The course leavers will pass exams and acquire certificates, licensing them for working with stations, manufactured by ZAO AMT.


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